iconic global brand matching urban lifestyle with green area more than 1,000 sq.m. • Central Park Offices with a commercially leasable area of 90,000 sq.m., in which CPN has 100% stake in the project under
connecting between urban life and nature. And NINYA KALLAPAPRUEK, a twin-home project with 144 units and living space of 154-230 sq.m. per unit. The total project value is more than THB 1,500 mn and is located
Networks N/A Storage Electr./Thermal Transmission Of Electr. Transport via Railways Other Passenger Land Transport Urban/Suburban Pass. Transport Road Freight Enabling Infrastructure Sea/Coastal Water
Company and Turkish Airlines announced a new codeshare partnership. This will provide the passengers with convenient travel connections to destinations in Thailand and other cities in Southeast Asia
WINNER store to expand its target segmentation of mass market. The new concept of a smaller size furniture store will focus on penetrating second-tier provinces and cities where Index Living Mall store has
(Glanzstoff) 2 Kt pa July 2017 a. Expand to meet growing de- mand of tire-cords Qingdao - Shangdong Top 10 economic developed cities in China Presence of major ti re producers 9 mi l l ion people
proportion passenger revenue among Asia countries and achieved growth at 37.0 percent of passenger revenue due to the direct flights operation from Samui to China cities. The Company has total revenue of
government puts an effort to achieve 100 percent electrification by 2030 by increasing energy access in rural areas and securing reliable supply in urban areas and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) through joint
เสร็จในเดือน ธันวำคม 2560 โดยท ำกำรปรับโฉมใหม่ภำยใตแ้นวคดิ “Where Nature Meets Urban Living” ผสมผสำนชวีติคนเมอืงใหใ้กลช้ดิตดิธรรมชำต ิเปิดโซนใหม่ เพิม่พื้นทีพั่กผ่อน และพืน้ทีส่เีขยีว รวมถงึพืน้ที ่Co
สิน้ไปเมือ่ปลำยปีทีผ่่ำนมำ โดยท ำกำรปรับโฉม ใหมภ่ำยใตแ้นวคดิ “Where Nature Meets Urban Living” ผสมผสำนชวีติคนเมอืงใหใ้กลช้ดิ ตดิธรรมชำต ิเปิดโซนใหม ่เพิม่พืน้ทีพั่กผอ่นและพืน้ทีส่เีขยีว รวมถงึพืน้ที ่Co