Content Management และ implement กำร capture เอกสำร ทั้งส ำนกังำน - จดัหำ Business Process Management tool เพ่ือใชพ้ฒันำระบบงำนภำยใน - พฒันำระบบงำนรองรับกระบวนกำรออกและเสนอขำย รวมทั้งกำรรำยงำน ตรำสำรทุน ตรำ
capture higher margins and create a more diversified chemicals portfolio. Regional Highlights Figure 2 :Regional Performance *Core Financials exclude IRSL **Internal reclassified region of Egypt Asia
4.0 Store Expansion At the end of Q3/2019, the Company has 10 ‘Younique Customized Furniture 4.0’ stores. To enhance product innovation and capture a higher customer base, the Company plans to roll out
financial innovations in support of the drive towards a cashless society for service efficiency enhancement and reduced costs. Of note was the QR code payment acceptance service via Electronic Data Capture
No. CC20170505ELE May 12, 2017 Subject Report of the Resolutions of Board of Directors’ Meeting No.2/2017, the scheduling of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2017 and the entering into the transaction of acquisition and disposal of assets and the connected transaction To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure Information Memorandum on the Acquisition and Disposal of Assets and Connected Transaction The Board of Directors of Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) Publi...
PromptPay, and the expansion of Electronic Data Capture (EDC) terminals to increase card acceptance by merchants. Technological change and financial innovation have been the main factors contributing to
Partnership – The Digital Shopping for The New Normal BAM; on June 01, 2020, the Company launched an online marketing campaign via Shopee to capture the demand of customers in E-commerce market. 1.3 Annual
capture and storage) • Shifts in supply and demand for certain commodities, products, and services • Customer or community perceptions of an organization’s contribution to or detraction from the transition
Conversion Scheme fails, ACO I will be able to seize the Company’s assets and auction off the same to repay its debt at once since Cargill already commenced a legal action to enforce on such debt and the trial
Ordinary Shares of the Company under the Debt to Equity Conversion Scheme fails, ACO I will be able to seize the Company’s assets and auction off the same to repay its debt at once since Cargill already