certain provisions in relation to the restriction of rights and liberty of persons which Section 29 in conjunction with Section 33, Section 34, Section 41, Section 43, Section 44 and Section 64 of the
determine the currency conversion, as well as the basis for that determination. 7. Where not all of the debt securities being offered are guaranteed, provide a statement for a non-guaranteed portion. B
, certain shareholders may have the number of voting share more or less than the number of voting rights, which may be contrary to the major shareholder oversight principle that aims to supervise the actual
having shareholder being person as prescribed in (1) to (13) combining hold shares exceed 75% of share which entitle to vote; (15) foreign investors having qualifications as the investor prescribed in (1
are guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance with regulations prescribe the holder can redeem at the certain price or at the minimum price determined on the issuing date, by the securities company that is
) to (13) combining hold shares exceed 75% of share which entitle to vote; (15) foreign investors having qualifications as the investor prescribed in (1) and (2) “retail client” means client other than
investment cost (No. 2) debentures are guaranteed by certain the Company’s land with existing and a land of a related party and certain directors of subsidiary, as follows: Date of issuance Maturity date
ษัทท่ีออก หลักทรัพย B. Compensation × C. Share Ownership × XI. MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS AND RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS A. Major Shareholders ม.69 (8) ผูบริหารและผูถือหุนรายใหญของบริษัทท่ีออก หลักทรัพย B
unit holders by calculating returns that vary according to a formula of calculation or a certain condition that is not easily understood by retail investors; “notification on investment” means the
equivalent to 30 percent of the registered capital of Hero Experience at the subscription price of Baht 335.29377 per share and at the total price of Baht 270,000,000 and (2) acquisition of 67,106 ordinary