implementation of previous Asian Roundtable recommendations Two breakout sessions were held with the goal of monitoring the progress made by Asian Roundtable economies towards the implementation of previous Asian
undertaking digital-asset-related activities. The goal is to encourage technological innovation that drives the economy and society towards sustainable development and to provide a variety of fund-raising
into the Southeast Asian countries, especially those with high growth potential, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, to accommodate its sustainable growth aspiration. Retail Property Development
year and CAPEX planned at Bt20-25bn As we have executed the company-wide cost management, our cost structure has been continually optimized amidst the competitive landscape. To support our aspiration in
into the Southeast Asian countries, especially those with high growth potential, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, to accommodate its sustainable growth aspiration. Retail Property Development
, especially those with high growth potential, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, to accommodate its sustainable growth aspiration. Retail Property Development CentralPhuket (Floresta building
year and CAPEX planned at Bt20-25bn As we have executed the company-wide cost management, our cost structure has been continually optimized amidst the competitive landscape. To support our aspiration in
beginning of 2023, and a lower inflation rate that encourages higher private consumption. AIS sets our aspiration to transform from a Digital Life Service Provider towards a Cognitive Tech-Co with our 3 key
with lower impacts and expect transparency. • National aspiration and commitment Many countries around the world have made commitment for Net Zero Emission at COP26. • Severe effects by climate change
extended our aspiration to become the most-preferred platform that can meet customers’ needs in every aspect of their lives. All of these endeavors aim to understand and anticipate each individual customer’s