million, specifically for 2 customers of the Company’s subsidiary due to the uncertainty of debt collective. (3) Advance payment for purchased program rights increase THB 330.67 million or 321.35% because
public consumption and private investment were constantly expanding. However, Thai economy still faces other risk such as The U.S.-China trade war, global economic uncertainty and domestic political
uncertainty of money market during COVID-19 pandemic. 5. Increase in non-current assets held for sale of THB 986.5 mm was from the reclassification of assets, which will be monetized to WHART and HREIT from
MACO’s performance was dramatically affected from lower advertising demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic uncertainty. Consolidated revenue decreased by 25.9% YoY to THB 512mn o
slowed down. In addition, Thai economy still faces external risk such as trade war between US and China and global economic uncertainty. As of August 31, 2019, the Company’s total cards reached 8.75
affect from a government adopting a more restrictive lockdown measures in dark-red zones and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 situation that will hinge mainly on the rollout of vaccines in order to
having priority, or otherwise limiting the rights of the debt securities holders to any payment on the debt securities. 2. Provide information about the existence or possible creation of other securities
approval from the SEC Office shall last throughout the entire existence of the REIT; (2) governing, monitoring and proceeding as necessary to ensure that the assigned person has maintained the qualifications
2 . The existence of such assurance reporting should be publicly disclosed. If requested, clients should be provided access to such assurance reports. 2 Assurance reports on internal controls of
. The answers to each questionnaire should base on actual practices. If the assessment results in deficiencies in any internal control components (whether it is the reason for neither system existence nor