2017; Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For nine-month periods Variance 3/2018 2/2018 (%QoQ) 3/2017 (%YoY) 2018 2017 (%YoY) Net interest income 1,218.7
and the year of 2017: Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For years Variance 4/2018 3/2018 (%QoQ) 4/2017 (%YoY) 2018 2017 (%YoY) Net interest income
comparative performance of the third quarter of 2019 and the third quarter of 2018. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance 9-month period Variance 3/2019 2/2019
. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For years Variance 4/2019 3/2019 (%QoQ) 4/2018 (%YoY) 2019 2018 (%YoY) Net interest income 1,108.0 1,096.8 1.0 1,149.2
from the decrease in employees’ expenses, advertising and promotional expenses and effective management of expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items
income statement) Therefore, the operating result depends on the change of the market price of investments. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance 1/2020 1/2019 Amount (%YoY
comparative performance of the third quarter of 2019 and the third quarter of 2018. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance 9-month period Variance 3/2019 2/2019
(loss) for the year (1,353) (836) 62% Basic profit (loss) per share (in Baht) (0.063) (0.060) 4% Table 4: Summary of Financial Results GJS บริษัท จ ีเจ สตีล จํากดั (มหาชน) G J Steel Public Company Limited
. Table : The production and the domestic demand of Finished Steel in Q2 2016 and 2017 Total Apparent Finished Steel (Unit : Tons) Quarter 2/2016 Quarter 2/2017 % Change Production 2,407,293 1,707,444
. บรษัิท โกลบอลกรนีเคมคิอล จํากดั (มหาชน) Management’s Discussion and Analysis | 3 Note : (1) Adjusted EBITDA refers to EBITDA excluding impact of Stock Gain/(Loss) and NRV Operating Performance Table 1