with high uncertainty. Therefore, the audit quality will vary in relation to this AQI. (3) Staff per partner ratio is between 4 to 33 (the mean is approximately 14), and staff per manager ratio is
information provided in this MD&A may vary if any factors or situation are changed in the future; the investors are, therefore, required to have their own discretion regarding the usage of this information for
. The objective of this MD&A is to present the information and the explanation of financial status and operating results as of the date hereof. However, the information provided in this MD&A may vary if
may vary from year to year. 2 Information regarding top 10 debtors by remaining acquisition of NPLs for the six-month period ended June 30, 2020 may not be comparable to the previous periods due to the
meeting attendance fee and director reward, the amounts of which vary according to the Company's operating results). In cases where any director also receives remuneration as an executive under (b), make a
meeting attendance fee and director reward, the amounts of which vary according to the Company's operating results). In cases where any director also receives remuneration as an executive under (b), make a
ลักษณะที่ส ำคัญ ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำไทย) : กองทุนเปิดธนชาต อีสทส์ปริง Global Green Energy ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำอังกฤษ) : Thanachart Eastspring Global Green Energy Fund ช่ือย่อ : T-ES-GGREEN ประเภท : กองทุนรวมตราสารทุนต่างประเทศ ประเภทกองทุนรวมหน่วยลงทุน Feeder Fund อำยุโครงกำร : ไม่ก าหนด จ ำนวนเงินของโครงกำร : 12,000,000,000.00 บาท วันที่ได้รับอนุมัติให้จัดต้ังและจัดกำรกองทุนรวม : 14 สิงหาคม 2563 วันที่จดทะเบียนกองทุนรวม : 1 ธันวาคม 2563 ประเภทและนโยบำยกำรลงทุนของกองทุนรวม 1. ประเภทโครงกำร • กองทุนรวมตร...
performance. However, as the manners to evaluate performance may vary, the firm should implement the manner which is suitable for the environment and culture of each firm, Convincingly, the performance
. Meanwhile, liquidity management at given periods may vary from bank to bank, depending on its liquidity position and management guidelines. KBank has been fully equipped with tools for appropriate liquidity
the banking system during 2018 was ample due to continual growth of both loans and deposits. However, liquidity management at given periods may vary from bank to bank, depending on its liquidity