unlawful gains for the benefit of herself and others, in violation of Section 311 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (SEA). Phra Suthep Arpassaro (Panpai) and Vachala Pisitsak were also
online systems. and the company still has foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q2 / 2020 and Q2 / 2019 was 400.98 million
Company’s credit balance accounts. 1.4 Gains and return on financial instruments The Company’s gains and return on financial instruments in 2Q2018 were Baht 377 million, an increase of 93% from 2Q2017, due to
Baht 38 million, an increase of 16% from 3Q2017, mainly due to an increase in the Company’s credit balance accounts. 1.4 Gains and return on financial instruments The Company’s gains and return on
increase of THB 29.64 million from last year quarter’s. 2. Some of investment units had been sold, profits had been realized, resulting in an increase of THB 10.98 million in Gains on investment. This had
online systems. and the company still has foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q2 / 2020 and Q2 / 2019 was 400.98 million
still has foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q3/2022 and Q3/2021 was 509.25 million baht and 437.15 million baht
unlawful gains for themselves and/or other persons and made false records on purchase of black steel from eight companies totaling 529,529,326.15 baht and sale of black steel to BF Intertrade Co., Ltd. (BF
foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q3/2023 and Q3/2022 was 696.59 million baht and 509.25 million baht, respectively. It is
province jointly with Mr. Bhusana Premanode, while being director and executive of IEC performed their duties dishonestly, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing damage to