. The changings are as follow: Contract revenue of Q2/2018 amount 129 million Baht decreased 113 million Baht from Q2/2017 or 47% (Q2/2017 was 242 million Baht) cause from reason as stated above. Interest
are as follow: The Q2/2020 contract revenue is Baht 191 million, a decrease of Baht 60 million (24%) from Q2/2019’s Baht 251 million as stated above. The Q2/2020 total other income is Baht 2 million
of Baht 95.70 million, decreased Baht 8.46 million or 8.84 % as follow: 1. Revenue from sale and service was Baht 2,511.17 million, increased Baht 608.05 million or 31.95 % from the same period of last
of Baht 292.42 million, decreased Baht 198.42 million or 67.86 % as follow: 1. Revenue from sale and service was Baht 9,694.62 million, increased Baht 1,660.32 million or 20.67 % from the same period
follow: 1. Sales Revenue increased by 479.70 million baht or 30.44% from 1,576.09 million baht in 2016 to 2,055.79 million baht in 2017 due to the increases of demand from customers and the introduction of
, decrease Baht 131.96 million or 121.00% as follow: 1. Revenue from sale and service was Baht 1,907.06 million, increased Baht 190.21 million or 11.08% from the same period of last year. This is result from
0.73 and 0.07 respectively. The increased loss is due to the major transactions as follow: 1. The increase of net earned premium in this quarter compared to the same period of last year in the amount of
change of operating performance of the company more than 20% as follow: Revenue Total Revenue of the Company and subsidiaries Total Revenue of the Company and subsidiaries the quarter ended September 30
Baht 0.40 and 0.83 respectively. The decreased loss is due to the major transactions as follow: 1. The increase of net earned premium in this quarter compared to the same period of last year in the
and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand The operating performance for three-month period ended 30 September 2017 of Mahachai Hospital Public Company Limited was highlighted as follow: 1. Company