, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain
with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should
of such data how that data will be used and what measures it will be taken to safeguard the safety of such data. This guideline contributes to real practice. Besides, there are organizations that
maximum returns and managing investment risks. The I Code aims to build institutional investors? long-term credibility, and protect the best interest of asset owners and the capital market at large.As
operators in the capital market; - You Protect Forests; We Protect You Project: The TRBN in conjunction with the Mae Fah Luang Foundation under His Majesty the King’s Royal Patronage, the Department
net profit* margin of 13.7%, +110 bps YoY. Our strategies are to focus on core products and defend profit through supply chain, operation costs and expenses control, such that A&P have been cut or
หมุนเวียน ผู้สอบบัญชีแบบใหม่ได้ โดยหน่วยงานทางการจะต้องก าหนดมาตรการป้องกัน (“safeguard”) ที่จ าเป็นใน สถานการณ์นั้น ดังนั้น เพื่อบรรเทาผลกระทบให้แก่ผู้สอบบัญชีและส านักงานสอบบัญชี ส านักงานจึงเห็นควร ผ่อนผัน
of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause 2 At least two fifths of the total number of directors of a derivatives exchange shall be persons capable of performing the duty to safeguard the
that have invested or held equity instruments issued by PTT Public Company Limited. In order to protect the investors’ interest and legitimate right and ensure that they are treated fairly, it is
instruments issued by PTT Public Company Limited . In order to protect the investors’ interest and legitimate right and ensure that they are treated fairly, it is therefore necessary to issue this Notification.