projects in the area and the neighboring community which could retrieve waste water from Aukkrarawat may consider retrieving the waste water from such new projects if it takes less transportation time for
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO No WICE 002/2018 4 January 2018 Subject: The payment of share acquisition of Universal Worldwide Transportation ( “UWT”) To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
INTERNATIONAL GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 1 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 14/06/2021 17:02 Investment in newly issued ordinary shares of Fuel Pipeline Transportation Company
has entered into the Shareholder’s Agreement of Thai Pipeline Network Company Limited (TPN) to acquired 44.60% ownership interest. TPN operates oil transportation service business with pipeline
situation of shipping by sea and air, there are transport restrictions. The gross profit from land transportation for the first nine months of 2020 was 95.13 million baht, an increase of 96.14 million baht or
Increase / (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 167.78 155.55 12.23 7.86 Air Freight 215.46 262.57 -47.11 -17.94 Logistics Management 98.81 92.73 6.08 6.56 Cross-border transport 125.90 0 125.90 100 Related
22.20 Air Freight 161.57 153.95 7.61 4.95 Cross-border transport 60.00 7.94 52.06 655.76 Logistics Management 84.66 80.90 3.75 4.64 Total Service Revenue 480.92 385.75 95.17 24.67 1. Revenue from marine
million Baht, increased 16.79 %, mainly caused income in year 2018 due to the business merger of domestic transport service by land by the end of year 2018 as well as its subsidiary both in domestic and
Baht. Although the income from the transport services have decreased but the income is similar to the income during the same period last year. The net profit of the third quarter of the year 2018 is more
S Holding Co., Ltd. (“All S”), which aim to invest in automobile assembly business, public transportation services, supported technology and related application to public transportation business. In