, which increased by Baht 26.18 million or 27.87 %. The main reason was due to the company has derivatives products, which are Single Stock Futures Block Trade and Derivatives Warrants. 4. The Consolidated
2017 Single Detached House 68.8% 59.5% Town House 10.2% 7.0% Condominium 21.0% 33.5% Total 100% 100% 6. Details of the Company’s rental and services income compared to last year are as follows: (million
Single Detached House 62% 65% Town House 9% 8% Condominium 29% 27% Total 100% 100% 4. Details of the Company’s rental and services income compared to last year are as follows: (million baht) 1 st quarter
ผลิตภัณฑ์ประเภทใช้ครัง้เดียวแล้วทิ ง้ (single - use) แตจ่ะถกูรวบรวมเพื่อเข้าสูก่ระบวนการรีไซเคิล และน ากลบัมาใช้ซ า้หลายๆ ครัง้ ภายในเศรษฐกิจแบบหมนุเวียน (Circular Economy) ซึ่งจะเป็นครัง้แรกในประเทศ
permitted and investment limits shall be revised so that funds may not invest more than 10% of NAV in assets of any single issuer. Such limit, however, may be increased to a maximum of 20%, but the aggregate
allowing the issuer to comply with one single set of common disclosure standards, known as the ?ASEAN Standards?, together with limited additional requirements prescribed by each jurisdiction, known as the
) and annual report (Form 56-2) to a single form of report in order to cut redundancy. Currently, it is under public hearing process. Listed companies could submit the One Report of their 2019 annual
equity whose returns are based on the returns of a single or basket of shares of listed companies; and (2) removing the restriction on LTF unit redemption which was previously stipulated at no more than
of the total net asset value (NAV) investment in listed stocks include such instruments as warrants, single stock futures, SET 50, exchange trade funds (ETF) and index funds. 3. Amendment to the
ขายล่วงหน้าดังต่อไปนี้ ให้ผู้ได้รับใบอนุญาตชำระค่าธรรมเนียมในอัตราสัญญาละ 1 สตางค์ (1) สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้าที่อ้างอิงราคาหุ้นรายตัว (single stock futures) ที่มีราคาไม่เกิน 100 บาท