liability, decreasing from the same period of last year. Receivable Turnover increased little from 1.06 times to 1.07 times for the second quarter of 2019 and was the same at 2.18 times for the six-month
assets sold and due to the depreciation as in the normal business operation. - The total liability stood at 200.96 million baht, down by 23.56 million baht or 10.49% on a year-on-year basis. The decrease
times to 6.37 times because the Company has current assets and current liability, decreasing from the same period of last year. Receivable Turnover decreased from 1.23 times to 1.06 times for the second
, decreasing by 64.67 million baht or 3.57 percent because the asset value fell due to the asset depreciation and amortization. - The total liability stood at 191.09 million baht, down by 33.43 million baht or
assets and current liability, decreasing from the same period of last year. Receivable Turnover decreased from 1.20 times to 1.12 times for the third quarter of 2018 and decreased from 3.49 times to 3.24
report the transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. 9. Financial Data of Thippayabadin Co.,Ltd. Unit : million September 30, 2018 Total Assets 573.27 Total Liability 357.79 Registered and Paid-up
ในประเทศเวียดนาม โดยเม่ือวันท่ี 5 กันยายน 2562 ทางบริษัทฯ ไดทําสัญญาซื้อขาย หุนกับบริษัท Vinfast Trading and Production Limited Liability ผูซ่ึงไมไดเปนบุคคลเก่ียวโยงกับบริษัทฯ โดยทางบริษัทฯได
ช้ินสวนรถยนตในประเทศเวียดนาม โดยเม่ือวันท่ี 5 กันยายน 2562 ทางบริษัทฯ ไดทําสัญญาซื้อขาย หุนกับบริษัท Vinfast Trading and Production Limited Liability ผูซ่ึงไมไดเปนบุคคลเก่ียวโยงกับบริษัทฯ โดยทางบ
from 6.08 times to 6.22 times because the Company has current assets and current liability, decreasing from the same period of last year. Receivable Turnover decreased from 1.12 times to 1.07 times for
Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 : Lease (TFRS 16), effective 1 January 2020, has impacted the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial statement in recognizing a right-of-use asset and a lease liability in