Energy Development Joint Stock Company และการเขา้ลงนามในสัญญาซือ้ขายหุน้ ลงวันที่ 19 มิถุนายน 2563 ส าหรบัการซือ้หุน้ในบริษัท Huong Linh Reproduce Energy Development Joint Stock Company ของ EPVN W1 (HK (-Translation-) Ref. No. U.SET 004/2020 31 March 2020 Subject: Acquisition and Disposal of Ordinary Shares in Joint Venture Companies To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand U City Public
226.28 (24.55) 226.22 (24.62) Shares of gain (loss) from investments in an associate and a joint venture 2.83 25.08 0.00 0.00 Gain from change in a joint venture proportion 0.00 (9.87) 0.00 0.00 Gain on
instruments 184.90 12.08 184.90 12.08 Shares of gain (loss) from investments in an associate and a joint venture (0.43) 19.16 0.00 0.00 Gain from change in a joint venture proportion 0.00 (9.87) 0.00 0.00 Gain
on disposal of investment in project whereas no such the item in this quarter. ▪ A decreasing Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Venture in Q3/2018, compared with those in the same period
in Corpus Christi, Texas, USA by the equal Joint Venture Reference is made to the disclosure made by Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (“IVL”) on March 21st, 2018 and December 24th, 2018
Notification of interim dividend payment, the joint venture project and connected transactions of the Company and its subsidiaries (Revised Template) 13/05/2020 19:11 Notification of interim dividend payment
. joint ventures, joint property interests etc. 2
Bangkok, 25 October 2017 ? The SEC in cooperation with securities companies, asset management companies and the Stock Exchange of Thailand Group exercised a joint cyber drill to raise the industry's
(SET), revealed that Sinsathien, then managing director and president of PRO, had access to material nonpublic information about a joint venture between PRO and Enviro-Hub Holding Limited (E-Hub) while