, and assessment of impairment indicators, etc. TFAC will feature examples of each guideline and other related matters on YouTube in due course. SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said
provided services or presented itself to the public that it was ready to provide the digital asset exchange service in the ordinary course of business outside the digital asset exchange. Additionally
every news will be clarified in due course under this collaboration,? Mr. Phuvanatnaranubala concluded.
per the form and procedures provided in the Office’s electronic work system together with documents evidence or a reference of course attendance under (1); (3) pay the renewal fee for approval to be
months, prior to the expiry date as per the form and procedures provided in the Office’s electronic work system together with documents evidence or a reference of course attendance under (1); (3) pay the
months, prior to the expiry date as per the form and procedures provided in the Office’s electronic work system together with documents evidence or a reference of course attendance under (1); (3) pay the
, private and civil stakeholders. I would like to command the Bank of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission for hosting this event and for their impressive endeavors to improve financial
หลอกลวง ฉ้อโกง หรือทุจริต มีพฤติกรรมไม่เหมาะสมในการปฏิบัติต่อผู้ลงทุน เป็นต้น (สามารถศึกษา รายละเอียดเพ่ิมเติมได้ที่ หมวด 7 ของประกาศท่ี ทลธ. 8/2557) (2) อบรมหลักสูตร Refresher course 15 ช.ม. ในรอบระยะ
mainly due to lower orders from a major customer of the manufacture and assembly of electronic circuit boards business unit. Telecommunication business In 2018, the Group generates revenue of Baht 818
% compared to that of the previous period amounting to Baht 476 million. It resulted from a decrease in orders from one of the major customers of the manufacture and assembly of electronic circuit boards