2017. Excluding the non-recurring items, Company delivered net profit THB 346 mil. or growth of 3.2% y-y as well as primary due to higher Share of Profit of associates contribution. Page 4 of 4 T.K.S
increased income from our consolidation with Nguyen Kim since June 2019, the increased revenue from rental service from Robinson Lifestyle Center in Chaiyaphum and the full quarter revenue contribution from
restaurant and food center business improve in bottom line contribution, by lowering in losses of 52% or 16M THB, mainly are from subcontracting one of food center to third party. 3. Financial status analysis
, which contributed operating revenue of THB 1,223mn, (ii) consolidation of assets from the EBT of UE since 16 March 2018, whose revenue contribution this quarter amounted to THB 113mn and (iii) other
compared to that of 18,446 million Baht in 2018. Most of the total revenue was the contribution of Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited (“TTTBB”). In 2019, Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited (3BB
obsolete and slow-moving inventory in first quarter of 2019, the increase in house brand revenue contribution in conjunction with the company’s strategy, the increase in the gross profit margin of house
million Baht, increasing by 4 %, compared to that of 4,588 million Baht in the first quarter of the year 2019. Most of the total revenue was the contribution of Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited
financial year. The increase of the losses from FY2019/20 is due to the overall lower revenue contribution in FY2020/21 and additional pre-operating costs for IATSB and PT Ingress Industrial Indonesia (“PTIII
(Compared to 2020 level) US$3.23 million Social contribution (2023 performance) 682,204 consumers received the Circular Economy Education (2018-2023) 0.49 cases per 200,000 manhours lost time injury frequency
และสงัคมทีเ่กดิขึน้จากการด าเนนิ ธรุกจิ ระบผุูม้สีว่นไดเ้สยี และจัดล าดบัความส าคญัของผลกระทบ What, Who, How much, Contribution, Risk ชว่ยใหบ้รษัิทสามารถ - ระบผุูม้สีว่นไดส้ว่นเสยีทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง - ตอบ