offered price is higher than the fair value of THB 17.84 per share appraised by the independent financial advisor (IFA), by applying the discounted cash flow approach (DCF) or amounting to THB 132.02
methodology and a highly consultative approach. It highlights investor sentiment in subsectors and broad opportunity areas, while also suggesting viable business models that can be supported.Private sector
. “Most importantly, the SEC’s hands-on approach to our duties in various areas will reflect our commitment to independence, transparency and fairness for all. This is how we build trust and confidence
of naked short selling transactions without actual securities borrowing, which is currently a matter of public concerns. Currently, the SET’s inspection system operates on a risk-based approach and the
; (ก) เกินกว่า 2 เท่าของตัวชี้วัดของกองทุน (benchmark) สำหรับกรณีที่เป็นการคำนวณโดยใช้วิธี relative VaR approach (ข) เกินกว่าร้อยละ 20 ของมูลค่าทรัพย์สิน
ลูคา่ คา่ความเสีย่ง เงนิสด จ านวนเงนิ + ดอกเบีย้คา้งรับ 0% P/N NCD B/E ทีอ่อกโดย สง. Face value 0% เงนิลงทนุ Mark to market ตามวธิ ีfixed-haircut approach สทิธเิรยีกรอ้งในลกูหนีม้ารจ์ิน้ มลูหนีข้องลกู
: International Air Transport Association). Thailand tourism industry in fourth quarter of 2018 grew at 4.9 percent. Tourist arrival from Southeast Asia region had the highest growth at 20.4 percent, followed by
from slow investment from private sector and export sector. Additionally, Thailand’s tourism has shown slow pace from a drop in international tourist arrival, especially Chinese tourists (Source: The
Transport Association). In terms of the Thailand tourism industry in the second quarter of 2018, the number of international tourist arrival to Thailand increased by 9.1 percent, compared to the same period
Transport Association). In terms of the Thailand tourism industry in the second quarter of 2018, the number of international tourist arrival to Thailand increased by 9.1 percent, compared to the same period