(Section 103, 104) |- Auditors |- Reporting |- Fees |- Related Circular Letter Marketing |- Approval and Standards Practice |- Code of Conduct |- Fees |- Related Circular Letter Fund Rating Agency
the Securities and Exchange Commission SorNor. 6/2542 22/03/1999 7. Circular 3/2552 13/05/2009 8. Circular 3/2551 11/02/2008 Contact The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand 333
/2008 01/03/2008 5. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission 62/2543 29/11/2000 01/01/2001 6. Circular 3/2552 13/05/2009 7. Circular 3/2551 11/02/2008 Contact
. 2551 (2008) 14 16/07/2008 01/08/2008 5. Circular 5/2548 15/03/2005 6. Circular 6/2548 15/03/2005 Contact The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand 333/3 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road
of both sides to ensure that used PET plastic bottles that is 100% recyclable, and therefore not “single-use”—will be collected, processed, and used again and again within a circular economy. It will
operators, and urging stakeholders to make careful preparation for new business environments. Investors unfamiliar with certain products should seek sufficient, well-round and useful information before making
(“HK-TH MRF MoU”); (ii) the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds between Thailand and Hong Kong issued by the SFC on 20 January 2021, as amended from time to time (“SFC Circular”); and (iii) the
Thailand (SET) to discuss possible solutions to the AGM holding of listed companies amid the spread of COVID-19, SEC has disseminated the circular and frequently asked questions to inform all listed
On 17 September 2021, the SEC sent a circular to all listed companies advising listed companies that invest or plan to invest in digital assets to exercise discretion in making decisions regarding
Rules and Regulations Key Points 1. Revision of practical guidelines for entering regulatory sandbox, from Circular No. BOT ForThorNgor. Wor 311/2562 dated March 11, 2019, effective March 15, 2019 onward