นายปรมินทร์ อินโสม บริษัท สตางค์ คอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด (บริษัทสตางค์) โดยนายปรมินทร์ อินโสม ทำสัญญากับบริษัท LLC Fair Expo โดย Mr. Mikalai Zahorski เพื่อให้ทำหน้าที่เป็นผู้ดูแลสภาพคล่อง (Market Maker
Mr.Anurak Chueachai Bitkub Online Co., Ltd. (Bitkub) by Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee, Chief Executive Officer and authorized director, entered into a market maker agreement with Mr. Anurak Chueachai. They
Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee Bitkub Online Co., Ltd. (Bitkub) by Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee, Chief Executive Officer and authorized director, entered into a market maker agreement with Mr. Anurak Chueachai. They
Mr.Anurak Chueachai Bitkub Online Co., Ltd. (“Bitkub”) by Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee, Chief Executive Officer and authorized director, entered into a market maker agreement with Mr. Anurak Chueachai. They
Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee Bitkub Online Co., Ltd. (“Bitkub”) by Mr. Sakolkorn Sakavee, Chief Executive Officer and authorized director, entered into a market maker agreement with Mr. Anurak Chueachai
/2018YoYQoQ The Proportion of Gross Profit in Q3/2019 Small Power Producer (SPP) Baht 3,658 million (60%) Independent Power Producer (IPP) Baht 1,713 million (38%) Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) and others
Profit in Q4/2019 Small Power Producer (SPP) Baht 3,468 million (74%) Independent Power Producer (IPP) Baht 1,141 million (24%) Very Small Power Producer (VSPP) and others Baht 73 million (2%) 4,682
last year which incurred at Baht 265.25 million. The main cause is the sale volume decreased from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel ทีตงั 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะเดือ อ.กระทุ่มแบน
contract manufacturer in relation to accessories and faucet products to the industry customer. Therefore, the disposition of manufacturing business shall not compete the business between the Company and the
BTSDF Bond Rating (S&P/Moody’s/Fitch) BB (S&P) / Ba3 (Moody’s) MSCI ESG Rating BBB Industry & Description Manufacturer and distributor of packaged food products. A leading provider of infant milk formula