approval of a shareholders’ meeting. In the board’s opinion, this Transaction is appropriate, reasonable and beneficial to UWC. The Transaction is carried out in accordance with UWC’s revised business plan
and/or any suibsidiaries of ETP and to proceed for an appropriate settlement method to ensure that there is no such outstanding loan as at Completion Date. 8.5 The Seller shall be responsible for any
, specify the names of the persons or the groups of persons who are mainly the actual REIT unitholders, unless there is an appropriate reason provided that the ultimate REIT unitholders remain unknown; 7.4
keeping the capital costs at an appropriate level and strive to maintain the financial ratio that are keys to credit rating consideration such as Net Debt to EBITDA. However, there is no debt covenant that
and deposits rose as most banks focused mainly on management of deposits, which must be kept at levels appropriate for loan demand, while raising the proportion of low-cost deposits in savings and
creditors. Enclosure 3 17 Assistance from Link Capital I are suitable for the Company’s current status, since it is unlikely or unfit for the Company to obtain a loan from a commercial bank given its current
Energy is conducting a study and preparing data to revise PDP 2015 to be suitable for current situations, which economy grew lower than expected, the increasing trend of Independent Power Supply along with
of 100 MWh which is expected to COD at the end of 2019; the company continues to seek other batteries which are at good quality and suitable for usage to develop the on going projects. 6 Management
, financial advisor and legal consultant opined that the investment in the Target Group Hotels and Resorts through the purchase of equity in the Target Company is appropriate and reasonable in line with the
used for loan repayment and working capital for the Company. 11. Opinion of the Board of Directors on the transaction The Board of Directors considered that this transaction is appropriate and beneficial