and foreign exchange transactions 1,654 1,736 1,630 (4.7)% 1.5% Gains on investments 3,527 965 1,329 265.5% 165.4% Share of profit from investment for using equity method 35 16 82 118.8% (57.3)% Gains
Act on severance pay rate. 24 ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE Deferred tax liabilities lower by 231.1 million baht resulted from an impact on temporary different method between accounting and tax book on
exchange transactions 1,399 1,630 1,554 (14.2)% (10.0)% 3,029 3,510 (13.7)% Gains on investments 1,633 1,329 51 22.9% 3,102.0% 2,962 1,581 87.3% Share of profit (loss) from investment for using equity method
1,468 53.2% 70.4% 5,464 3,049 79.2% Share of profit (loss) from investment for using equity method 52 54 50 (3.7)% 4.0% 188 55 241.8% Gains on disposal of assets 198 585 136 (66.2)% 45.6% 987 457 116.0
บันทึกบัญชีตำมส่วนได้เสีย (equity method) โครงสร้ำงรำยได้ (ล้ำนบำท) สัดส่วนรำยได้ (%) ล้ำนบำท 2560/61 2561/62 YoY (%) 2560/61 2561/62 สื่อโฆษณำนอกบ้ำน 3,559 3,847 8.1% 90.4% 74.6% สื่อโฆษณำในระบบขนส่งมวลชน
จำกแพลตฟอร์มของธุรกิจโลจิสตกิส์จะถูกบันทกึภำยใต้วธิกีำรบันทกึบญัชีตำมส่วนได้เสีย (equity method) บริษัท วีจีไอ จ ำกัด (มหำชน) ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะห์ฐำนะทำงกำรเงินและผลกำรด ำเนินงำนส ำหรับปี 2562/63 1
investment for using equity method 46 44 45 4.5% 2.2% 90 80 12.5% Gains on disposal of assets 522 156 339 234.6% 54.0% 679 688 (1.3)% Dividend income 1,849 637 1,857 190.3% (0.4)% 2,486 2,449 1.5% Other
million which the Company will pay to the Seller in accordance with the criteria and method stipulated in the tender offer. The purchase price under Clause 5.1 may be decreased by the amount equivalent to
million which the Company will pay to the Seller in accordance with the criteria and method stipulated in the tender offer. The purchase price under Clause 5.1 may be decreased by the amount equivalent to
of GLOW (Translation) 12 The consideration in the form of cash in the total of approximately THB 43,607 million which the Company will pay to the Seller in accordance with the criteria and method