percent of total number of shares with voting right of such company; (11) “major shareholder” means any shareholder or beneficial owner of shares who holds more than ten percent of the total number of
eliminate the Conflict of interest of Ms. Kanjana Pongpatanadecha, spouse of major shareholder and managing director of the Company, currently hold the shares in subsidiary company exceed 10.0 percent, which
board of director of the company who is responsible for the highest authority to manage the company, by whatever name called. “major shareholder” means a person who holds directly or indirectly more than
ดการกองทนุมแีนวทางการบรหิารพอรต์การลงทนุภายใตแ้นวคดิ “Universal Investor” ดว้ยความเชือ่ทีว่า่ภาพรวมของ ระบบเศรษฐกจิที่ดี ย่อมนําไปสู่มูลค่าอนาคตที่สูงขึน้ของพอร์ตการลงทุนที่มีการกระจายความเสีย่งที่เหมาะ
. Amended to read Article 11. The Company shall neither hold nor accept its own shares for pledge, except for the following: (1) The Company may buy back shares from a shareholder who votes against such
a shareholder who votes against such resolution of the shareholders meeting to amend the Articles of Association regarding the rights to vote and to receive dividend payment, which is unfair in the
Steel Center Company Limited and Mr. Niramd Ngarmchamnanrith (“Mahachai Group”) (Mr. Niramd is a major shareholder in Mahachai Steel Center Company Limited) (“2014 Receiving Financial Assistance
ordinary shares of EP to be offered at the IPO will be 20 per cent of the paid-up shares of EP after the capital increase. The Company will remain to be the controlling shareholder of EP holding not less
offering 80,000,000 shares at par value of Baht 0.5 in an initial public offering (IPO) and to the Company’s shareholders based on the shareholder proportion (pre-emptive right). This will affect the
having a common director(s) with major shareholder. Letter of Intent / Memorandum of Understanding is signed with Christiani & Nielsen Energy Solutions (“CNES”) to provide services of designing