cash, things or services, more than those should be received or rewarded in normal commercial practice; (7) supervises to prevent improper use of intermediary’s resources for wrongful action or support
cash, things or services, more than those should be received or rewarded in normal commercial practice; (7) supervises to prevent improper use of intermediary’s resources for wrongful action or support
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Nor Por. 3/2559 Re: Guidelines for Establishment of Information Technology System ______________________ Whereas the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Thor. 35/2556 Re: Standard Conduct of Business, Management Arrangement, Operating Systems, a...
contracts with customers” (TFRS 15), foreign exchange, and deferred tax asset. Normalized net profit clearly reflects the company's true earnings from its normal operations. In Q1/2019, the NNP was Baht 1,053
ติใหม่ (New Normal) หรอืพฤตกิรรมของ ผูค้นทีเ่ปลีย่นแปลงไป ซึง่ครอบคลมุในเรือ่งควำมสะอำดและควำมปลอดภัยใน 5 แกนหลัก กว่ำ 75 มำตรกำร ไดแ้ก่ 1) กำรคัดกรองอย่ำงเขม้งวด (Extra Screening) 2) มำตรฐำน Social
, which was a quarter that incurred higher than normal expenses. Moreover, the contributing factor is the lease expenses declining under TFRS 16 Lease which came into effect on the 1st January 2020. It will
Basis (NTA) = (Sum of percentage of shares to be acquired by NBC x Net asset value of the company to be acquired) x 100 / Net asset value of the purchasing company 2. Net after-tax profit from the normal
nd the non- controlling interest of Baht 89 million. This clearly reflects the company’s true earning from its normal operations. In Q2/2019, the company had the Adjusted Net Income of Baht 1,441
company's true earnings from its normal operations. To exclude the assessment of the fair value of net assets and allocation of business acquisition costs as well as the effects of accounting standards, in
Climate Bonds Initiative website. Outline of the Certification Process The Certification Process has three distinct phases that are aligned with the normal process for issuing and maintaining a bond, loan