; (3) re-assess and manage risks in case of changes to the processes and procedures and controls associated with information security, or changes of the outsourcee; (4) establish measures for supervising
and manage risks in case of changes to the processes and procedures and controls associated with information security, or changes of the outsourcee; (4) establish measures for supervising the outsourcee
and manage risks in case of changes to the processes and procedures and controls associated with information security, or changes of the outsourcee; (4) establish measures for supervising the outsourcee
a negligence of reasonable performance of duty in supervising persons under the line of command to refrain from violating or failing to comply with the laws governing securities and exchange or the
standards as stipulated by an association under the Office’s approval; (18) Performing the management duty in a manner that indicates a negligence of reasonable performance of duty in supervising persons
standards as stipulated by an association under the Office’s approval; (18) Performing the management duty in a manner that indicates a negligence of reasonable performance of duty in supervising persons
operator shall proceed as follows: (1) screening and selecting foreign securities business operator that is credible and able to give advice under the law supervising business operator in such foreign
: (1) screening and selecting foreign securities business operator that is credible and able to give advice under the law supervising business operator in such foreign countries; (2) notifying
: (1) screening and selecting foreign securities business operator that is credible and able to give advice under the law supervising business operator in such foreign countries; (2) notifying
policies, regulations, and guidelines for supervising the trading of derivatives by the employees in order to prevent the illegal use of internal information by the employees and conflicts of interest in the