”) ปัจจุบัน VGI และ PlanB ได้ร่วมกันสรรค์สร้ำง synergy ผ่ำนกำรรวมหน้ำจอสื่อโฆษณำดิจิทัลของทั ้ง 2 บริษัท ที่ครอบคลุมพื้นที่ในกรุงเทพมหำนครกว่ำ 80% ภำยใต้ชื่อแคมเปญ Bangkok Takeover ซึ่งในแต่ละเดือนทั้งเมืองจะ
Debentures from the Buyers, and as a result, the debts in respect of the Convertible Debentures shall be extinguished by way of merger under the law. In such case, the Company, as the issuer of the Convertible
the Convertible Debentures from the Buyers, and as a result, the debts in respect of the Convertible Debentures shall be extinguished by way of merger under the law. In such case, the Company, as the
the Convertible Debentures from the Buyers, and as a result, the debts in respect of the Convertible Debentures shall be extinguished by way of merger under the law. In such case, the Company, as the
the Convertible Debentures from the Buyers, and as a result, the debts in respect of the Convertible Debentures shall be extinguished by way of merger under the law. In such case, the Company, as the
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer because (please specify
) ( ) will reduce its shareholdings in the business to be lower than the trigger point for a tender offer ( ) has been granted a waiver from making the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel
the tender offer by the Office or the Takeover Panel ( ) under letter No. dated ( ) under the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting dated ( ) is exempted from making a tender offer