and long-term interests of their clients and beneficiaries. Investors require meaningful, accurate, timely and comparable data to help them identify and manage their exposure to non-financial and other
ท่ี CC20170505ELT 12 พฤษภาคม 2560 เร่ือง แจง้มติท่ีประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษทัฯ คร้ังท่ี 2/2560 ก าหนดวนัประชุมวสิามญัผูถื้อหุน้คร้ังท่ี 1/2560 และการเขา้ท ารายการไดม้าหรือจ าหน่ายไปซ่ึงสินทรัพยแ์ละรายการท่ีเก่ียวโยงกนั เรียน กรรมการผูจ้ดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพยแ์ห่งประเทศไทย ส่ิงท่ีส่งมาดว้ย สารสนเทศการไดม้าหรือจ าหน่ายไปซ่ึงสินทรัพยแ์ละรายการท่ีเก่ียวโยงกนั บริษทั แคล - คอมพ ์อีเลค็โทรนิคส์ (ประเทศไทย) จ ากดั (มหาชน) (“บริษทัฯ”) ไดจ้ดัประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษทัฯ คร้ังท่ี 2/2560 เม่ือวนัท่ี 12 พฤษภาคม 2560 เม...
1 ( Translation ) Ref. NEP146-2017 October 25, 2017 Subject : Resolutions of the Board of Directors approving the capital decrease, the capital increase, the allotment of newly issued ordinary shares to investors in private placement, the acquisition of assets and convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2018 (Revise) To : President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment : 1. Capital Increase Report Form (F 53-4) 2. Information Memorandum in relation to the allot...
1 ( Translation ) Ref. NEP146-2017 October 25, 2017 Subject : Resolutions of the Board of Directors approving the capital decrease, the capital increase, the allotment of newly issued ordinary shares to investors in private placement, the acquisition of assets and convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2018 (Revise 2) To : President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment : 1. Capital Increase Report Form (F 53-4) 2. Information Memorandum in relation to the all...
GLOW’s Shares PAGE 4 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q1 2019 Executive Summary On 1 March 2019, the company was selected by the International Business Magazine, which is a leading business and
underground; and also to manage to control sewage, for example, waste water treatment and population evacuation concerning air and noise pollution, to private organization, sanitation district, government
relating or affecting natural resources and environment, either water, land, air, noise, or underground; and also to manage to control sewage, for example, waste water treatment and population evacuation
improving projects that are relating or affecting natural resources and environment, either water, land, air, noise, or underground; and also to manage to control sewage, for example, waste water treatment
measures to curb risky credit, will slow the pace of bank lending compared to last year. Meanwhile, the commercial banking system will have to manage its liquidity to be in line with Bank of Thailand
its highest performance and manage