มลาํดบั สาํหรับ ฟิทซ์ เรทต้ิง เป็นสถาบนัจดัอนัดบัเครดิตนานาชาติ จึงมีคาํวา่ (tha) ต่อทา้ยเพ่ือแสดงถึงการ ใหอ้นัดบัเครดิตตามมาตรวดัภายในประเทศไทย Description Standard and Poor’s Moody’s FITCH Ratings Long
the clients’ information under Paragraph 1(3) is in process, the intermediary shall provide services to the clients with regard to accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital
accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital market products in the clients’ accounts only, unless the intermediary is prohibited from accepting the sale orders or clearing the
accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital market products in the clients’ accounts only, unless the intermediary is prohibited from accepting the sale orders or clearing the
million, primarily from the higher prepaid expenses 3) Oil fund subsidy receivable decreased by THB 1,025 million, majorly from the government sector hastening its payment of long-held outstanding oil fund
737 million resulting from long-term loan agreements with the financial institution. “Electricity and Steam sales volume increased due to the expansion of power generating capacity after COD of both
คงเหลือของผู้ลงทุน (Customer Outstanding Data) (แนบท้ายประกาศ กธ. 19/2564) ข้อมูลผู้ลงทุน (Customer Data) (แนบท้ายประกาศ กธ. 19/2564) ติดต่อ ก.ล.ต. สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และ
revenue and generate a sustain long-term returns. In 2019, the Company progressed with the following asset enhancement initiatives. Renovation programs of existing malls which have been completed in 2019
relevant stakeholders and is responsible for protecting and generating sustainable value over the long term. In fulfilling their role effectively, board members should: a) guide, review and approve corporate
environmental issues, as well as the implications on stakeholders and both domestic and global factors. The vision is for the Thai capital market to be outstanding as an attractive investment destination and