for the benefits of the Company including, but not limited to, signing of agreement, memorandum, or other documents, and to contact with relevant government sectors, such as Bank of Thailand, the
at 0.28 time. The Company and its subsidiaries still had available credit line of the revolving short-term borrowings with financial institutions including bank overdraft in amount of THB 242.00
Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10281-1023, U.S.A. ผูรั้กษาทรัพยสิ์นของกองทุน (Custodian Bank) RBC Investor Services Ireland Limited 4th Floor, One George's Quay Plaza, George's Quay,Dublin 2
น าดิจิทลัแบงก์ในภมูิภาค Regional Digital Bank ผา่นการด าเนินงานใน 3 แนวทาง ดงันี ้ 1) ธุรกิจการเงินการธนาคาร: ธนาคารยงัคงด าเนินนโยบายขยายเครือข่ายและการให้บริการในกลุ่ม ประเทศ AEC+3 โดยมีแผนการขยาย
no Form as of 25 July 2006 6.7 Being a government official with the duties to supervise securities companies, an officer of the Bank of Thailand or of the Office: O yes O such case has been granted
companies, an officer of the Bank of Thailand or of the Office: O yes O such case has been granted exemption due to: O the appointment has been made with the approval of the SEC for the purpose of assisting
companies, an officer of the Bank of Thailand or of the Office: O yes O such case has been granted exemption due to: O the appointment has been made with the approval of the SEC for the purpose of assisting
% NAV (bank risk) 2. กรณีตราสารทุนขึ้นกับสถานะของบริษัท (เหมือนเกณฑ์การลงทุนในตราสารทุนทั่วไป) กล่าวคือ (ก) listed company ไม่เกิน 15 %NAV และ (ข) non-listed company ไม่เกิน 5 % NAV แต่การลงทุนใน 1. และ 2
is not authorized to analyze value or suitability of trading or investing in derivatives; (9) “financial institution” means an entity which undertakes the following businesses: (a) commercial bank
interest rate of 4.18% p.a. In December 2018, BGRIM issued the first green and climate bonds in Thailand with an amount of Baht 5,000 million which solely invested by Asian Development Bank (ADB) with term