ทีมีภาระดอกเบยีตอ่ส่วนของผูถื้อหุ้น 1.53 0.98 สัดส่วนหนีสินทีมีภาระดอกเบยีสุทธิต่อส่วนของผูถื้อหุน้ 1.32 0.77 Singha Estate Investor Relations Tel: +662 050-5555 Ext. 518 Email: IR@singhaestate.co.th
42.8% Total liabilities 12,405.9 11,238.9 (1,167.0) (9.4%) Total equity 11,983.7 17,922.8 5,939.1 49.6% Interest-bearing debt to equity (times) 0.8 0.4 (0.4) (45.3%) Investor Relations Contact Tel|+66 (0
per share as of 31 December 2016. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Signed (Mr. Prakobkiat Ninnad) Managing Director Investor Relations Division, Finance and Accounting Department, Tel 0
detail, please contact Investor Relations Section of the Electricity Generating Public Company Limited at Tel: 662-998-5145-8 or Email: ir@egco.com Page 2 Management Discussion and Analysis 1. Significant
the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these statements. Contact us: http://investor.ais.co.th | investor@ais.co.th | (66) 2 029 3145 http://investor.ais.co.th/ mailto:investor@ais.co.th
Bt11.56 per share as of 31 December 2016. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Signed (Mr. Prakobkiat Ninnad) Managing Director Investor Relations Division, Finance and Accounting Department
that the company and executives/staff do not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these statements. Contact us: http://investor.ais.co.th | investor@ais.co.th | (66) 2
such as AR, VR and cloud gaming . 8 3Q20 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Appendix Contact us: http://investor.ais.co.th | investor@ais.co.th | (66) 2 029 4443 Income statement (Bt mn) Post TFRS 16 2Q20
. Appendix Contact us: http://investor.ais.co.th | investor@ais.co.th | (66) 2 029 4443 Income statement (Bt mn) Post TFRS 15 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 %QoQ FY19 Mobile revenue 30,678 32,042 31,851 31,770 -0.3
investor, who is an expert in a major food supplement distribution business in Thailand, in order to carry out the products already been sold by that person to enter into the operation of the newly