increase is mainly attributed to higher personnel due to the larger business size to support future business expansion as well as an increase in rental expense incurred to CPNREIT for the sublet of Hilton
increase or decrease in the trust’s capital not disclosed in advance in the trust instrument; 3. a transaction with the trust manager or trust manager’s related person having the size of which accordingly to
investors would find this information very relevant. V. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PUBLIC OFFERING A. Offer Statistics Provide information about the size of the issuer’s public offering, including the offer price
the frequency and manner of receiving communications, the client’s risk profile and investment, the size and scope of the overall client relationship with the Firm, as well as legal and regulatory
ของแตล่ะ entity exposure ตอ่หลกัทรัพยใ์ดหลกัทรัพยห์นึง่ เทยีบกบั issue sizeวธิทีี ่1 • เทยีบหลักทรัพยร์ายตัว กบั market cap. / issue amount ของหลักทรัพยนั์น้ • หาคา่ความเสีย่งตามสดัสว่นหลักทรัพยแ์ตล่ะ
fe e 3 . A c tu a l size • U p lo a d su p p o rtin g d o c u m e n t Is s u e r S e rv ic e ’s In te rn a l S y s te m : • E .g ., U p d a te su b sc rip tio n in fo rm a tio n fro m w e b p o rta l
Underwriting agreement: Firm underwriting Best effort Offering Price:....................Baht per share Offering Size:......................... Baht Has the Company offered shares or convertible securities
funds and private provident funds, while not insignificant, are relatively small given the overall size of the Thai capital market, and especially when compared to neighboring countries including Malaysia
จริงผา่นการแข่งขนัซือ้ขายหุ้นในตลาดหลกัทรัพย์ ในโครงการ THE PREMIER Stock Challenge เพื่อตอบสนองความพึงพอใจสงูสดุของลกูค้าและน าไปสูก่ารเป็นแบรนด์ในดวงใจ (Top of Mind) ด้านบริการท่ีปรึกษาด้านการเงินและ
planning, enable linkages with the global market, and benefit various sectors in the society. The successful outcome would be reflected in the capital market of larger size and higher liquidity which in turn