management • Site visits • ESG data providers • Industry trade organizations • Government records • Non-profit organizations • Media sources Quality • Assumptions used • Rigor of the analysis performed • Date
second paragraph. SECTION 42 A trustee shall be prohibited from exercising the right under Section 41 unless the trustee has performed all of its obligations owed to the trust except where those
the main categories of products sold and/or services performed for each of the last three financial years. Indicate any significant new products and/or services that have been introduced between the
operated by Bangkok Business Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (BBB), whose company name was changed to Spring 26 Co., Ltd. on 15 February 2019, and recently changed to Nation Digital Content Co., Ltd. on 19 September
หลักการ กำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำหรับบรษัทจดทะเบียน ป 2560 Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017 ปกหนาสัน สารบัญ หน้า บทนา 1. วัตถุประสงค์ของหลักการกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดีฉบับนี้ (Corporate Governance Code: CG Code) 3 2. การกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี คืออะไร 4 3. CG Code นี้ มีสาระสาคัญอย่างไร 5 3.1 หลักปฏิบัติ 8 ข้อหลัก 5 3.2 การปฏิบัติตาม CG Code 6 3.3 การอธิบาย เมื่อไม่ได้นาหลักปฏิบัติไปใช้ 7 4. CG Code นี้ ต่างจากหลักการกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สาหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ปี 2555 อย่างไร 7 5. การ...
, 2018, and September 30, 2018. 6 Market, dated November 20, 2018, both coming into effect January 1, 2019. The new regulations stipulate that listed firms shall rotate auditors who have performed their
these events, the economy has remained resilient overall. GDP growth continued at 6.1 percent with inflation remained low at 2.8 percent. The capital market though affected by uncertainties, performed
are operated with good governance and transparency. In addition, On December 7th, 2018, the company was awarded Sustainability Report Award 2018 in Excellence category, arranged by Thai Listed Companies
PowerPoint Presentation MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP MD&A Q1/2019 PAGE 1 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q1 2019 For Q1/2019, the EBITDA of the company increased by Baht 1,154 million or 118% from Q4/2018 and increased by Baht 646 million or 43% from Q1/2018. The increase was mainly due to improved operating results of the Sriracha Power Plant and the acquisition of GLOW also contributed to an increase in EBITDA by Baht 751 million. The net...
Core Businesses 3.1 Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance KBank, as a major driver of economic growth, has operated our business as a Bank of Sustainability, maintaining a balance in economic