possibility of an extension of the oil production reduction policy that originally was due to end in March 2018, along with the supply concerns that arose with Kurdistan’s referendum to separate from Iraq which
oil price is further backed by concerns over supply after the replacement of the US Secretary of State, creating tension that the US may revisit its sanction policy on Iran with respect to the country’s
%) (see Criterion 7). This Criterion has been particularly prompted by concerns around interurban and high- speed rail projects, namely that emissions savings due to modal shift away from road and aviation
external factors were mainly from lower than expected domestic economic growth, consumer’s cautiousness on sugar consumption as well as concerns over the global economic situation impacted by trade war
confidence coupled with the already high household debt level. Nevertheless, the non-durable goods increased partly from the rush in purchase of consumers goods due to the concerns on the COVID-19 outbreak
. Nevertheless, the non-durable goods increased partly from the rush in purchase of consumers goods due to the concerns on the COVID-19 outbreak. Private investment continued to contract in all investment
to numerous environmental impact concerns in recent years. These can include inter alia: Land use rights and land access: where land is subject to native title or cultural heritage conditions
owner perceptions, Russell investments, April 2014 Asset owner survey: Concern over Strategic beta adoption Strategic Beta seems relatively new. Key investor concerns: limited track records, strategy
organizations (mainly asset managers/asset owners) expressed significant concerns about disclosing financed emissions or weighted average carbon intensity (WACI). - For respondents disclosing carbon footprinting
seminar to present the 2004 Director Compensation Survey. From the colloquium, seminar participants expressed their concerns on the board remuneration discrepancy among publicly- listed companies in