and financial status of securities firms to cope with market volatility resulting from ongoing global financial crisis. Additional measures for client asset protection were also considered. SEC
of the virus in other countries and the possibility of a second outbreak in Thailand. The Bank continues to monitor the situation closely and prudently assessing the portfolio quality while continuing
Baht volatility and international capital movements. Within this context, KBank has accentuated enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve sustainable growth and maintain our market leadership
volatility) อยางนอย 1 คา โดยใช ขอมูลยอนหลัง 90 วัน : ......................... (ขอมูลยอนหลัง 90 วัน) ......................... (ขอมูลยอนหลัง 120 วัน) ......................... (ขอมูลยอนหลัง 180 วัน
billion) of income, an 11.7 percent increase from 2016. The main driver of tourism income was spending by Chinese tourists. Meanwhile, global financial markets experienced occasional volatility amid
cost of LPG. The Group has reduced the risk by kept the minimum LPG stock and closely monitored LPG market price to soothe the cost volatility. Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, (Ms. Nita
: Higher biomass cost. As a result, the gross profit margin dropped in the consolidate income statement from 21% to 16% in 2017. World sugar price volatility At the beginning of 2017, world sugar price has
volatility of CPKO On qoq basis, demand for Natural FA in 4Q17 climbed up from 3Q17, mainly due to Synthetic FA prices remains high following an increase of crude oil prices ,and the supply shortage of Natural
. The trend of Thai Baht value has directed to the volatility and weakened when compared with US Dollar after the US central bank announced the policy of raising interest rate in December. However, the
ตอบแทนรายเดือน (monthly return) ของดัชนี สูงสุด และต่ําสุดในชวง 3 ปท่ีผานมา 3.1.4. ความผันผวนของผลการดําเนินงาน (volatility) ใหเปดเผยขอมูล annualized standard deviation ของผลการดาํเนินงาน ของดัชนีแต