คอนเวนชันเซ็นเตอร์ CTW BKK แผนยุทธศาสตร์ ก.ล.ต. ปี 2562 - 2564 Key Remarks 2018 in Review and Moving Forward โดย รพี สุจริตกุล เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. Paving Foundation for Being an Adaptive Regulator
performance. As for the oil trading business operated by BCP Trading Pte. Ltd., there was an increase in trade and transactions volume of crude oil and finished products. A result of the company moving forwards
Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024 Projection 2024: 2.5% 2025: 3.0% 39 M (Projected) 50 M = million persons Economy SET Index & Forward EPS Source : Bloomberg, data as of May 2024 Source: Bloomberg
RTD fruit juice market continued to decrease 10 % YoY but unchanged QoQ. Meanwhile, Moving Annual Total (MAT) December 2018 of domestic RTD fruit juice market was Baht 11,425 million, a decrease of 11
218.9% compared to the gross profit of Baht 32.8 million for 2018. It is due to the allowance for diminution in value of obsolete and slow-moving inventories amounting Baht 37.5 million in 2018, resulting
Administrative expenses. In Q2/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.27 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. In Q2/2017, after moving the production equipment to
. In Q3/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.26 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. After moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
. In Q3/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.26 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. After moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
-down expenses and Baht 2.37 million paid to retired and laid off employees in a part of Administrative expenses. In 2017, after moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
Baht 9.87 million temporary shut-down expenses and Baht 2.37 million paid to retired and laid off employees in a part of Administrative expenses. In 2017, after moving the production equipment to