have more time to proceed as planned. If the results of the review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and
review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and disclosed publicly, PACE has informed that it will rectify and re
analysis and valuation is relatively a new practice, having a practical workshop would be a useful starting point for investment analysts.”
results of the review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and disclosed publicly, PACE has informed that it will
15 January 2018 to have more time to proceed as planned.If the results of the review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the
valuation of Wealth Ventures, as assessed by IFA, is approximately 300.71 – 369.82 million baht, lower than the purchase price of 421.55 million baht. Therefore, IFA views that such purchase price is
ครอบคลุม 5 หัวข้อ ได้แก่ การกำกับดูแลสถาบันจัดอันดับความน่าเชื่อถือ (Credit Rating Agency : CRA) บริษัทประเมินมูลค่าทรัพย์สิน (Asset Valuation Companies) สำนักสอบบัญชีและผู้สอบบัญชี (Audit Companies) ผู้รับ
results of the review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and disclosed publicly, PACE has informed that it will
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมกับ CFA institute และสมาคม ซีเอฟเอ ไทยแลนด์ จัดงานอบรมหัวข้อ “Analysts Workshop: The Impact of Sustainability Issues on Valuation
has appointed an independent financial advisor (IFA) to measure the fair value of the shares. The auditor is reviewing the IFA's valuation report regarding the fair value measurement for the shares of a