*....................................................….. (................................................……) แบบ EF–1 * หนังสือฉบับนี้ต้องลงนามโดยกรรมการผู้มีอำนาจกระทำการแทนนิติบุคคลเท่านั้น และให้ประทับตรานิติบุคคล (ถ้ามี) http://www.sec.or.th/secrgen/notice/off/practice/prac0147s1.doc
types of business operators, i.e., securities business, derivatives business and other related products and services for standard practice across the industry. In addition, the business operators must
offense of unfair practice in trading securities constituted a predicate offense under the Anti-Money Laundering Act B.E. 2542 (1999).
, exchange of views and experiences, addressing issues and best practice, as well as roles of regulators with regard to sustainable financing.In addition, the IOSCO announced the World Investor Week during
first forum for SEC to present and share knowledge, experience, and the practice within the UN guiding principles framework of this matter. And SEC will be a part of the government sector that will help
build up investor confidence which is certainly a key factor supporting sustainable growth of Thai capital market,? said Mr. Vorapol. ?In practice, asset management company uses foreign ETF?s closing
program trading has not started in Thailand, lessons learned from foreign stock exchanges can illustrate the importance of a thorough knowledge and understanding of the practice of program trading. This may
trading has not started in Thailand, lessons learned from foreign stock exchanges can illustrate the importance of a thorough knowledge and understanding of the practice of program trading. This may help
timeframe for the preparation and disclosure of PVD factsheet should be consistent in practice across all asset management companies (AMC). The SEC has taken the public’s recommendations into consideration
entrusted to supervise and regulate provident funds and prescribe additional rules to establish the appropriate standards and best practice for the operation of provident funds. The consultation paper is