connection with the SEC, the SET, and relevant agencies or authorities; and having authorities to proceed any necessary and appropriate actions to enable the private placement of the Company to be duly
including facilities and other infrastructures made it difficult to compare the rental and service fee with other available lands and buildings. However, taking into consideration of the followings, it is
ระดบัผูอ้ านวยการฝ่ายขึ้นไป หรือเทียบเท่า พร้อม upload เอกสารท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งตามท่ีระบุในระบบ ซ่ึงรวมถึงรายงานท่ีลงนามโดย ผูมี้อ านาจลงนามผกูพนั โดยไม่ตอ้งน าส่ง hard copy ทั้งหมด *ทั้งน้ี หากไม่สามารถยืน่
นำสงเปน hard copy ที่ลงลายมือชื่อโดยผูมีอำนาจลงนามผูกพันแทน 2 3. เอกสารประกอบอื ่น เชน รายงานความเห็นหรือการรับรองความคืบหนาของโครงการของ external review provider (ถามี) 4. ขอมลูอ่ืนใดท่ีจำเปนต
client’s assets without delay upon receivership by court order, in compliance with the following regulations: (1) The SEC Office shall proceed with the segregation and management of the client’s assets by
client’s assets without delay upon receivership by court order, in compliance with the following regulations: (1) The SEC Office shall proceed with the segregation and management of the client’s assets by
client’s assets without delay upon receivership by court order, in compliance with the following regulations: (1) The SEC Office shall proceed with the segregation and management of the client’s assets by
Japanese restaurant maintained sales volume of food center during difficult economic condition. The segment declined only 2.5% to 89 million baht in Q2/2017. 2.2 Gross profit by segment Unit: million baht
materials during Q3/2017, therefore, COGs per revenue still increase 2% to 82%, comparing to 80% of last year. o Regarding to fierce price competing, company faced with difficult situation in price adjustment
including the impact that must result in a price adjustment and the adjustment of the selling price is quite difficult because this business group is highly competitive in the current economic situation