investment amount 1,526,591,972.00 Baht (One thousand five hundred twenty six million five hundred ninety one thousand nine hundred and seventy two baht only). Therefore, the company will operate according to
thousand five hundred twenty six million five hundred ninety one thousand nine hundred and seventy two baht only). Therefore, the company will operate according to the rules and relevant guidelines, when the
แบบ 56-GOV.AGENCY (ทจ.70/2558)
fifty-six million, three hundred and ninety thousand, two hundred forty-nine) to Baht 4,752,093,575 (Baht four billion, seven hundred and fifty-two million, ninety-three thousand, five hundred seventy
fifty-six million, three hundred and ninety thousand, two hundred forty-nine) to Baht 4,752,093,575 (Baht four billion, seven hundred and fifty-two million, ninety-three thousand, five hundred seventy
put options ทำการ long the underlying asset ซึ่งในที่นี้คือหน่วยลงทุนในจำนวนที่เท่ากับ (1- option delta) คูณ ด4 : (a) having a net asset value of seventy million
the Office, and calculate and report of maintaining collateral and liquid asset adequacy in ด4 : (a) having a net asset value of seventy million baht or more
/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-deri.doc ด4 : (a) having a net asset value of seventy million baht or more, excluding the value of the property used as a permanent residence of such person; (b) having annual income
/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-deri.doc ด4 : (a) having a net asset value of seventy million baht or more, excluding the value of the property used as a permanent residence of such person; (b) having annual income
/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-deri.doc ด4 : (a) having a net asset value of seventy million baht or more, excluding the value of the property used as a permanent residence of such