PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 4 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 13/08/2021 17:39 Notification of investment in Cubixcode Co., Ltd. (Revised) 13/08/2021 17:39 Notification of
CORPORATION GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 3 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 26/03/2021 17:14 The investment in Zen & Kosum Inter Foods Co., Ltd (Revised 2) 25/03/2021 17:48 The
financial difficulty and unable to maintain adequate net capital as prescribed. The revised rules include rectification period, restriction of business operations during rectification period and undertakings
shares (amended) Remark: Data will be displayed within 3 years. Last updated on 19 January 2023
The amended rules on approval of ICO portals give the applicants more flexibility and reduce risk on developing/investing in high-cost work systems while the approval process is underway
Financial Statement Yearly, 2010 Due date for amended financial statement 29-Sep-2011
GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 0 33.547 33.547 12/11/2021 0 33.547 33.547 Revised version 246014562111-2 UREKA PACIFIC GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 0 33.547 33.547 12/11/2021 0 33.547
(Translation) EMERGENCY DECREE ON SPECIAL PURPOSE JURISTIC PERSONS FOR SECURITIZATION B.E. 2540 (1997) 2 (As amended)[footnoteRef:1] [1: Published in the Government Gazette, Volume 114, Part 29 Gor
Material Transactions Deemed as Acquisition or Disposal of Asset dated 31 August 2008 (as amended), and the Notification of the Board of Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Disclosure of
results in sustainable value. Meanwhile, our revised disclosure rules represented in the 56-1 One Report now require that listed companies disclose more on their ESG information, including the issues such