/2546 Re: Rules for the Application for a Waiver from the Requirement to Make a Tender Offer for All Securities of the Business by Virtue of the Resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Business
dispute between a provident fund member and the respondent, provided that the claimant shall demonstrate a written evidence or agreement that the respondent gives consent to resolve the dispute by the
securities business, or the dispute between a provident fund member and the respondent, provided that the claimant shall demonstrate a written evidence or agreement that the respondent gives consent to resolve
securities business, or the dispute between a provident fund member and the respondent, provided that the claimant shall demonstrate a written evidence or agreement that the respondent gives consent to resolve
meeting, and has voting rights, excluded the vote of shareholders who has conflict of interest. Furthermore, there is a resolution passed to confer the power regarding (1) the determination, and alteration
Meeting No. 1/2018 of Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) held on January 17, 2018 has a resolution to approve to enter into Contract to sell of Land and factory buildings
temporarily for three months.? In the meeting, the SEC Board also passed a resolution to support trading of single stock futures (SSF) as another investment and risk management tool in the market. The SEC has
On 7 December 2023, the SEC Board Meeting No. 17/2566 passed a resolution approving, in principle, the proposed regulations related to ICO Governance. The SEC is therefore conducting this public
of the shareholders’ meeting; and (3) manage to convene the shareholders’ meeting in order to approve such transactions, where the resolution must be passed by the vote of more than 75 percent of the
Amount and Term of Bond Issuance, and Determination of Date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2018 To: The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: 1. Capital Increase