are 2 primary reasons which lead gross profit margin to be increased. First, management decided to renew the contracts with the projects that have appropriate gross profit margin only. Second, solar
mainly due to (1) the dividend payment decreased in the amount of THB 113 million. Financial Ratio Analysis Financial Rate 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16 Primary Profit Rate (Percentage) 45.3 44.7 Net Profit Rate
, which decreased by THB 77 million mainly due to (1) the dividend payment decreased in the amount of THB 113 million. Financial Ratio Analysis Financial Rate 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16 Primary Profit Rate
primary consideration the interest of other investors. Clause 12 An intermediary in the category of mutual fund management or private fund management shall disclose, prepare, deliver and maintain
primary consideration the interest of other investors. Clause 12 An intermediary in the category of mutual fund management or private fund management shall disclose, prepare, deliver and maintain
primary consideration the interest of other investors. Clause 12 An intermediary in the category of mutual fund management or private fund management shall disclose, prepare, deliver and maintain
การจัดทาํงบการเงินฉบับใหมเพื่อใหเปนไปตาม มาตรฐานการบัญชีไทย แนวทางที่เสนอ 1. กรณี foreign issuer ขอเขามาจดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ เปนแหงแรก (primary listing) : ให foreign issuer จัดทํางบการเงิน
Institute of Directors (IOD). The primary mission is to collaborate and encourage listed and private companies, and other sectors to incorporate sustainable development concerns into their respective
and 4Q2010 by 123 USD/ ton or 18% and 58 USD/ ton or 8% respectively. The primary cause was lower in international crude palm oil inventory of 1. 7 million tons from 3 million tons in 1Q2019 and 2. 2
, decreased by THB 17.79 million (-3.28%). The continued decrease in sales of these primary products was due to the surge in demand for IT products to support remote working and learning during COVID-19 in