other information contained in such advertisement. In case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of specified
referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return mentioned in (3) shall not be
information contained in such advertisement. In case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of specified property fund
referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return mentioned in (3) shall not be
contained in such advertisement. In case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of specified property fund referred to
than other information contained in such advertisement. In case of specified property fund referred to in (1)(b), the estimated return shall be presented in term of dividend yield; (4) in case of
historical financial data regarding the issuer or, if the issuer is the holding company of a group, the group which shall be presented for the three latest financial years (or such shorter period that the
and prices for utilities and banks, 𝐸𝑃𝑆 is interacted with the indicator 𝑈&𝐵. Growth, past operating risk, and financial risk are introduced due to the reason that growth (risk) is increasing
assets are non-liquid land and property, which are typically more difficult to manage than other assets, KBank introduced Property and Land Credit for Investment – specifically designed for this customer
introduced monetary and semi-fiscal policies to cope with the economic downturn to support the economy. In the third quarter of 2019, the company recognized revenue from the production line installation