operational flexibility and supervisory effectiveness in support of the overall development of the capital market. The Amendments to the Derivatives Act shall support the separation of powers and functions
management under the supervision of the Enterprise Risk Management Division, Credit Risk Management Sub-committee and Risk Management Committee, to maintain risks within KBank’s risk appetite. . Market Risk
Committee, Market Risk Management Sub-committee and Enterprise Risk Management Division, to ensure timely and efficient risk management, thus maintaining risk within specified prudent limits. 2.3 Liquidity
investors.However, SEC intends to amend the regulations to give permission for asset management companies with a custodian services to protect investors’ asset and stringent supervision on asset separation to keep
with a custodian services to protect investors’ asset and stringent supervision on asset separation to keep private... https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8625 SEC allows asset
____________________ Division 1 Application for and Granting of Approval of Financial Advisor ____________________ Clause 46 Any person wishing to become a financial advisor may apply for an approval with the SEC Office
is to determine the maximum amount of damages claimed in order to ensure that the arbitration serves as an alternative dispute resolution for individual investors in accordance with the purpose of the
amount of damages claimed in order to ensure that the arbitration serves as an alternative dispute resolution for individual investors in accordance with the purpose of the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003
is to determine the maximum amount of damages claimed in order to ensure that the arbitration serves as an alternative dispute resolution for individual investors in accordance with the purpose of the
auditor rotation, aiming to enable the audit committee to appoint an independent individual to be its auditor and promote the auditors to truly maintain their independence.