Investments”) and Dividend Income totalled at Baht 695.9 million, aslo appreciation of Thai Baht (THB) against of US Dollarr (USD), a 246.1% growth from 2Q2016. The breakdown of the Company’s Share of Profit
Investments”) and Dividend Income totalled at Baht 558.8 million, a 162.4% growth from 3Q2016. The breakdown of the Company’s Share of Profit and Dividend Income by category of power plant were as follows
Exchange of Baht 574.3 million. 4 The breakdown of the Company’s Share of Profit and Dividend Income by category of power plant were as follows: WHAUP is a strategic co-developer of power business. We
Profit from Investments and Dividend, was Baht 310.6 million, a 24.0% decrease from 1Q2018. The breakdown of the Company’s Revenue and Share of Profit from Investment and Dividend Income by category of
Limited Q1’19 Management Discussion & Analysis 14 May 2019 Q1’19 Management Discussion & Analysis Page 3/6 Financial Position Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Breakdown As of 31 March 2019, the Company had total
ASSETS BREAKDOWN 31 DECEMBER 2016 31 DECEMBER 2017 (THB million) % out of total assets (THB million) % out of total assets Cash & cash equivalents and Current investments 484 29.7% 203 10.1% Trade & other
, Normalized Share of Profit from Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures and Dividend, was Baht 518.6 million, a 18.1% increased from 3Q2017. The breakdown of the Company’s Share of Profit and Dividend
credit agreement for working capital purpose and subsidiary had a plant shut down due to the breakdown of important equipment. Selling Expenses The Company recorded selling expense of Baht 34 million
and its subsidiaries were able to achieve a higher-than-expected profit of the company and EBITDA of Baht 163.55 million and Baht 296.92 million, respectively. REVENUE BREAKDOWN 9M/2020 Trading: There
%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=LZR8dn7XDCAmCYcrDfBuB5dVjIWHQlAYY33zMJmwDuY%3D&reserved=0 UESG สัดส่วนประเภททรัพย์สินท่ีลงทุน breakdown % NAV 1. หน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนระหว่ำงประเทศ 97.27 2. อ่ืน ๆ 2.73 ทรัพย์