เป้าหมายการเตบิโตในธรุกจิจากผลติภณัฑก์ลุม่ CCIID (Cloud, Cyber security, IoT, ICT Solutions, Data Center) พรอ้มกบั 5GNextGen Platform และ CloudX ทีร่องรบัอธปิไตยของขอ้มลู (Data Sovereignty) โดยเน้น บร
in 20172, mainly due to an ongoing postponement of festivities subsequent to the mourning period over the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the shrinkage of advertising spending in a
and postponement of activities were enacted, following the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. During 9-month 2017/18, TV sector having the highest market share at 64.4% fell 7.9% YoY to THB
and international levels long before that. In Thailand, His Majesty the King’s initiative of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy has been introduced to the public and applied to all economic levels
and international levels long before that. In Thailand, His Majesty the King’s initiative of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy has been introduced to the public and applied to all economic levels
, Federation of Accounting Professions of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King • Chairman, Tax Auditor Examination Committee, Revenue Department • Chairman, Corporate Governance Development
and international levels long before that. In Thailand, His Majesty the King’s initiative of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy has been introduced to the public and applied to all economic levels
and international levels long before that. In Thailand, His Majesty the King’s initiative of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy has been introduced to the public and applied to all economic levels
ธรรมเนียมอื่น ๆ รวมทั้งส่วนแบ่งจำกกำรขำยค่ำ สิทธิ (royalty fee) จำกแฟรน ไชส์ซี ของ“After You” ที่ฮ่องกง และแบรนด“์Mikka” กำรขำยและกำรจัดงำน น อ ก ส ถ ำ น ที่ ค่ำธรรมเนียม แ ฟ ร น ไ ช ส์ กำรขำยสินค้ำ แ ล ะ วั
the 62nd Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the trust for transactions in the capital market