currencies and are hedged against foreign exchange risk. Portfolio Turnover Ratio refers to the frequency of securities trading in the mutual fund’s portfolio over a period. The calculation is based on the
currencies and are hedged against foreign exchange risk. Portfolio Turnover Ratio refers to the frequency of securities trading in the mutual fund’s portfolio over a period. The calculation is based on the
trading in the mutual fund’s portfolio over a period. The calculation is based on the lower amount between the total amount of securities purchased and the total amount of securities sold within a one-year
), dated 29 October 2004 (including the amendments thereof) (“Notifications on Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”). The highest transaction size is 27.23 percent according to calculation basis based on total
of Assets Notifications”) the highest value of transaction is equal to 27.89 %. The calculation of the size of transactions is based on consideration basis. During the six months period before the
calculation of the transaction value based on the total value of consideration relative to the total asset value per the Company’s consolidated financial statements reviewed by the certified public accountant
appraised value. After entering into the disposition of assets, the Company will still have the same business nature as usual having main source of revenue from advertising and distribution of Bangkok Post
trading in the mutual fund’s portfolio over a period. The calculation is based on the lower amount between the total amount of securities purchased and the total amount of securities sold within a one-year
Solutions (S) PTE.LTD. Amount of shares purchased: 378,000 Shares (14% of the paid-up shares of IGE) Price : 480 Baht/Share Purchase Value: 181,440,000 Baht The calculation of the transaction size according
subsidiary of the Company. 3.2 Calculation of transaction value The calculation under the Notifications on Connected Transactions bases on the latest audited consolidated 9- month financial statements of the