for the next 12 months or for the issuer’s present requirements, or, if not, how it proposes to provide the additional working capital needed. 3. If a material deficiency is identified in the issuer’s
approve, suspend or revoke an offer for sale of a private placement of bonds, as the case may be: (1) the issuer lacks the qualifications, or its compliance with the conditions after approval is
be: 6 (1) the foreign entity which will offer for sale of debt securities lacks qualifications or its compliance with the conditions after approval is inappropriate, or it will be unable to comply with
avoid the stock shortage or loss of sales opportunities. Consequently, inventories have been decreasing from Baht 2,379 million at the end of 2018 to Baht 2,257 million at the end of 2019, and Baht 2,169
disruption due to several declared force majeure and the North American PTA and PET industry is facing acute acetic acid and MEG shortage, highlighting the advantage of IVL’s integrated model. 4 Our downstream
เนื่องจากผูใ้ห้บรกิาร พยายามเพิม่จ านวนลูกค้าที่สมคัรใช้บริการ 5G จึงท าให้มีการแข่งขนัที่รุนแรงในบางพื้นที่เพื่อเพิม่ฐานลูกค้าใหม่ อย่างไรก็ตาม ปัญหาการขาดแคลนชปิเซ็ต (chipset shortage) มผีลกระทบต่อจ านว
for Gasoline from the west as a consequence of the fire incident and closure of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery in late June 2019, combined with anxiety over major shortage after the attack
characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competency, being subject to legal action under the law governing supervision of capital market, or lacking trustworthiness as specified as prohibited characteristic
law. Division 16 Prohibited Characteristics Clause 28 Personnel in the capital market business shall not possess the following prohibited characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competency
prohibited characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competency, being subject to legal action under the law governing supervision of capital market, or lacking trustworthiness as specified as prohibited