financial innovations businesses and FinTech startups to make the most of financial innovations, but also promote a full-scale digital economy.?The FinTech Draft Act contains four core matters: (1
combination of media, meetups, workshops and conferences Incubate different forms of impact innovations, including impact enterprises, impact-focused tech, CSR, social innovation policies and non-profit
from the Thailand Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF). This year, the event was organized under the theme, "Cyber Resilience: AI-Powered Readiness," leveraged Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations
initiatives such as poverty mitigation, sustainable tourism, preservation of biological diversity, promotion of transparency of government procurement, and promotion of public service innovations. UNDP Thailand
the preparation of projects for innovation testing and development would be amended to allow entrepreneurs with useful innovations to provide their products or services to customers under certain
activities in the capital market from pre-trading to post-trading. Thus, business operators possessing useful innovations for investors will have the opportunity to participate in a regulatory sandbox in a
innovations without compromising investors? right to accurate and timely information for making investment decisions suitable for their demands,? said SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak.
Mobilization amid the Changing Geopolitical Landscape” by Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations (FETCO), a panel discussion on “The Roles of Financial Innovations
to facilitate development and wider use of financial innovations businesses and FinTech startups to make the most of financial innovations, but also promote a full-scale digital economy.?The FinTech
mindset and efficiency. ?We are not just keeping pace with global changes; we are enhancing market potential to foster product innovations and business competitiveness, which are two major objectives of the