) 8,986 10,171 (1,185) (11.65) 9,428 (442) (4.68) Basic Earnings per Share (Baht) 3.75 4.25 (0.50) (11.65) 3.94 (0.19) (4.68) When compared to the same quarter of the previous year, a decrease of Baht 442
share the financial burden of our customers by waiving the Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) guarantee fee for four years under the “Portfolio 13 Guarantee Scheme” to lessen our customers’ business
ธุรกิจท่ีไดรั้บผลกระทบทางตรงและทางออ้ม ซ่ึงจะเป็นปัจจยัฉุดร้ังการ 2 ไม่รวมสินทรัพยท์างการเงินท่ีมีการดอ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือเม่ือเกิดรายการ (Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets
this customer group’s share of wallet devoted to KBank. We prioritized expansion of new potential customers who reside in strategic provinces across the country through the introduction of products and
organized several charitable activities such as donations to needy schools and an orphanage for handicapped children, having set a policy to encourage listed companies to devote more energy and resources to
2.70 10,405 (2,194) (21.09) Net Profit (attributable to equity holders of KBank) 9,744 10,917 (1,173) (10.75) 9,473 271 2.85 Basic Earnings per Share (Baht) 4.07 4.56 (0.49) (10.75) 3.96 0.11 2.85 When
Public Company Limited (“NEWS”), an existing shareholder of GNET, at the price of Baht 865.30 per share, which the total price is 164,403,759.95 Baht and the obligation to repay accrued debt together with
, holding the largest market share in new business premiums. All of the above endeavors and satisfactory operating performance, together with sound corporate governance, allowed KBank and K Companies to meet
. enjoyed continually high loan growth. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL retained its leadership in the bancassurance business, holding the second largest market share in total premiums. To secure
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