according to the proportion of income according to the specified plan In addition, the company has measured fair value of PPA (Perchase Price Allocation) of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) with intangible assets
-measured to fair value of investment in associate (CAZ) before the step acquisition on 7 April 2016 amounting of 19.26 Million Baht. 7. Administrative expense for the Group increased amounting to 30.86
transaction as goodwill. At present, the Company has measured the fair value of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the business acquisition date. Said measurement is currently in the
income includes net fees and service income, gains (losses) on financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss, gains on investments, dividend income and other operating incomes. In the
deep-out-of-money • Premium ratio (measured against KRX options) by LPs • Stricter assessment of LPs, including the level of implied volatility • Supervise the order routing speed 3rd measure (Mar 2012
the firm’s quality controls. Furthermore, it is expected that the firms appropriately respond to the assessed risks in all relevant aspects, including scope, timing and extent of audit works, since this
firms No. of audit firms No. of registered auditors 2557 2558 2559 12 16 13 Year No. of audit firms being assessed on quality control system In 2016, the SEC assessed the quality control system of audit
Operational Risks: The top-level management and directors jointly assessed potential risks to the SEC's objective achievement, especially in the key operational areas. Risk management plans were laid out and
). Meanwhile, net fees and service income dropped over-quarter in line with decreased fee income related to loan, whereas many banks incurred losses on financial instrument measured at fair value through profit
to provide services involving investment or transaction in consistency with risk tolerance of a client unless the client is as follows, such suitability may be whether assessed or not: (1) an